A Growing Community | Downtown Lititz

Downtown Lititz is a destination of choice for those of the "small town" mentality.  It is rich in history and filled with growth, booming boutique shops, events, and community.  Check out some of the must see events and attractions that make Lititz a cool place to live or visit.

Second Fridays is a monthly event in downtown Lititz held every 2nd Friday of the month.  During Second Fridays, local merchants stay open late. That means you can extend your visit and take your time while visiting shops, restaurants, and galleries throughout Main and Broad Streets. All across downtown, musicians, dancers, artists and entertainers bring even more magic to the sidewalks, patios, and stores. Free parking is available on the streets and in the lots behind the Main Street boutiques. 

Lititz Farmers MarketThe Lititz Farmers Market is a more recent addition to the attractions for Lititz and is located on North Water Street a ½ block north of Main Street. The market is open on Saturdays, from mid-May to mid-October 8am until noon.  Stop by and experience “fresh” the Lititz way! Vegetables, fruits, baked goods, meats, eggs, jellies, flowers, plants, and more. It’s all there.  And it’s all as fresh as can be. 

July 4th Celebration Lititz Pa

Lititz has been holding a town-wide July 4th celebration of Independence Day since 1813, the longest running in the country as far as I am aware.  This annual spectacle attracts many tourists and former residents that return for the annual Queen of Candles Pageant and fireworks display in Lititz Springs Park. The park itself is decorated each year, rather extravagantly, with wooden beams and trestles placed from side to side of the stone-walled stream and stretching nearly the entire length of the park. The trestles are fitted sockets for white candles to be placed and lit during the celebration. The first candle has traditionally been lit by the year's Queen of Candles pageant winner. Musical performances by such groups as "Flamin' Dick and the Hot Rods" then follow. The park also hosts festivities for children and a plethora of food offerings comparable to those at a county fair. The 4th of July parade is sponsored by Lititz Lions.

Lititz Pa Craft ShowAnother notable event is the annual Lititz Rotary Craft Show, which transforms the quiet streets of downtown Lititz into a massive convergence of crafters and craft-lovers.  Over 700 crafters from throughout the United States will have booths along the first four blocks of East Main Street, three blocks of Broad Street, and in the Lititz Springs Park. They don’t call it the “big one” for nothing.  According to Lititz Borough Police, the crowd numbers somewhere around 40,000 - 50,000.  That makes the Lititz Craft Show one of the biggest on the East Coast, if not the biggest.  The craft show is free to visitors and the array of crafts includes children’s clothing, knitted sweaters, quilts, afghans, baskets, photography, pottery, wooden objects, kitchen items, aprons, hats, wreaths, brooms, candle holders, candles, dolls and much more.

Some Interesting facts about Lititz

  • Lititz was awarded the Distinctive Destination/National Trust of Historic Preservation award.
  • Lititz was named in 1756 and incorporated in 1888.
  • Lititz is located in Lancaster County, approximately 8 miles north of the city of Lancaster.
  • Lititz Borough has a population of 9,385 people, and occupies a total area of 2.3 square miles.
  • Pennsylvania Routes 772 (Main Street) and 501 (Broad Street) are the major East-West and North-South streets in the town.
  • The visitor Welcome Center is located in a replica of the original 1884 Passenger Depot and Express Station in Lititz Springs Park.
  • For a century, only Moravians were permitted to live in Lititz. Until the middle of the 19th century, only members of the congregation could own houses; others were required to lease.
  • Lititz was the first community in Pennsylvania to establish a Historic District. That’s why so many of its old buildings survive in such a great state of preservation.
  • In 2013 Lititz was voted America's Coolest Small Town in an online survey by Budget Travel.
  • Lititz is home to many internationally known companies such as Susquehanna Bancshares, Wilbur Chocolate, Johnson & Johnson, Woodstream, Tait Towers, Clair Global, and Atomic Design.

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